Online Privacy A Tricky Issue

According to the survey results released by the Pew Research center and Elon University's Imagining the Internet Center on Thursday, the future of privacy appears to be totally muddy. The survey reflected that nearly 2500 internet analysts and internet experts have been completely divided on the issue of future of privacy. They have divided opinion on whether the policy makers and technology innovators would be able to create secure, trusted, and popularly accepted privacy-rights infrastructure by year 2025. 45% of the people in the survey believed that there will a structure created based on the privacy rights but the remaining 55% were having completely different opinion as did not believe that there could be any infrastructure. According to Lee Rainie, Pew's Director of Internet, Science, and Technology Research, there is lot of disagreement about what the future holds for privacy.


The Pew-Eton researchers didn’t opt for the traditional means of conducting the survey but they carried out the survey among the hand-picked respondents and requested them to elaborate their views on their yes or no answers. The responses include a very dominant theme pertaining to the likelihood of a strong privacy infrastructure that can be established in the next 10 years. Rainie stated that now people have got open and spending most of the time in the public eye hence the question of privacy gets restricted to special circumstances only. Postindustrial era has made every person life completely public.

Accepting the trend: 

In the coming years, people will start continuing the trend of living a very public eye. People have started exchanging person information to availing services now. People have started using their personal information in the form of currency. According to Hal Varian, Google's chief economist, today’s disagreement of privacy will confuse the denizens of 2025. Privacy will be deemed old fashioned in the next 10 years. Putting restrictions of service will be overshadowed by increasing benefits of personal, digital assistants and cloud computing. Every will feel secure due to the advancement in the technology in terms of monitoring and tracking.

2025 will be a year, which will consider people ordinary if they don’t have any photos online. People who will not share their personal information will be not credible and trusted less. People will find them inhuman, as they won’t be able to see their discretions. People will start demanding encryption ability; they would like more transparency in the private sector and with the governments. The mere idea of framework for privacy is a fantasy. Equipments will allow the users to relay their information. The current levels of surveillance will become very pale and people will communicate only through net.

Companies have to become more careful in terms of data collection and sharing to ensure privacy factor for the customers. Experts say that if the privacy keeps on being eroded, the class issue might start again. Therefore, whatever may be the state of privacy in 2025, but for sure it will not be the same as today.
