Windows phone has been in circulation for quite some time but it didn’t get as much popularity as the Android based smartphones. But the monthly mobile usage statistics uncovered by the Washington based research company namely Redmond points out some amazing trends and truths of widows phone. It has been widely known that Microsoft had so far concentrated on building high-end devices for the consumers which still finds itself lagging behind Android based phones due to variety of reasons. Windows phones mainly suffered from low RAM, not so friendly user interface and expensive pricing but usage statistics reveals never known brighter sides.
Higher Percentage of Apps Downloads
Microsoft had stated that about 71% of the downloaded apps were initialized from its low memory Lumia devices in the recent past. The most popular Lumia phone does so is the Nokia Lumia 520 which offers just 512 of RAM to the consumers.
Even the Redmond statistics claims that judging on the basis of the top ten popular devices which tends to download apps aggressively has a surprising seven different models of Windows phone in the kitty. Further these different models have low memory and RAM issues as well. On the basis of this remarkable fact Microsoft had decided to take constructive efforts to build apps which fulfil the requirement within this particular range of popular Windows phones.
Microsoft Soon To Bring More Apps For Lumia Devices
Microsoft has stated taking the initial steps for generating more user friendly apps for its phones. It has made some agreements with the Windows based app developers to build distinct apps in order to grab the potential apps market with authority. It has taken decision to enlarge its circle of active apps zone within the low on memory devices. In the recent times apps market has become a major revenue generators for Apple with its App Store and Google with its Play Store. Microsoft also provides its users with a Windows Phone Store which allows the users to download apps which are applicable for its OS.
Microsoft To Enhance Its Game Apps
Alongside the mobile apps Microsoft is also working towards developing more games which can run efficiently on the low memory devices. It has been that the high end devices lags behind the entry or budget level phones in terms of generating the more number of games downloads. It is logical that the Microsoft is aiming at proving better game apps for its devices to move forward its users to the high-end games as well get better sales volume with low-end games.
Microsoft Is Concerned About Popularity Not The Revenue
Contrary to the perception Microsoft is strengthening its apps zone not for the ‘aggressive revenue’ but for making its devices much more popular among the consumers and others alike. But the pricing of the in-app purchase shows a different outlook. Most of the in-app purchases includes a decent price tags of $4.99, $9.99 and $19.99 which couldn’t be justified as low price at all. However regardless of high price point it is Windows users who are going to benefit from wide range of low-end apps which could run like charm on their low ram devices.
Higher Percentage of Apps Downloads
Microsoft had stated that about 71% of the downloaded apps were initialized from its low memory Lumia devices in the recent past. The most popular Lumia phone does so is the Nokia Lumia 520 which offers just 512 of RAM to the consumers.
Even the Redmond statistics claims that judging on the basis of the top ten popular devices which tends to download apps aggressively has a surprising seven different models of Windows phone in the kitty. Further these different models have low memory and RAM issues as well. On the basis of this remarkable fact Microsoft had decided to take constructive efforts to build apps which fulfil the requirement within this particular range of popular Windows phones.
Microsoft Soon To Bring More Apps For Lumia Devices
Microsoft has stated taking the initial steps for generating more user friendly apps for its phones. It has made some agreements with the Windows based app developers to build distinct apps in order to grab the potential apps market with authority. It has taken decision to enlarge its circle of active apps zone within the low on memory devices. In the recent times apps market has become a major revenue generators for Apple with its App Store and Google with its Play Store. Microsoft also provides its users with a Windows Phone Store which allows the users to download apps which are applicable for its OS.
Microsoft To Enhance Its Game Apps
Alongside the mobile apps Microsoft is also working towards developing more games which can run efficiently on the low memory devices. It has been that the high end devices lags behind the entry or budget level phones in terms of generating the more number of games downloads. It is logical that the Microsoft is aiming at proving better game apps for its devices to move forward its users to the high-end games as well get better sales volume with low-end games.
Microsoft Is Concerned About Popularity Not The Revenue
Contrary to the perception Microsoft is strengthening its apps zone not for the ‘aggressive revenue’ but for making its devices much more popular among the consumers and others alike. But the pricing of the in-app purchase shows a different outlook. Most of the in-app purchases includes a decent price tags of $4.99, $9.99 and $19.99 which couldn’t be justified as low price at all. However regardless of high price point it is Windows users who are going to benefit from wide range of low-end apps which could run like charm on their low ram devices.
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