top 10 venture capital backed investment in India

indian venture funding deals from 2011 to 2015"

"list of venture capital investment in India"

The Indian start up scene has seen frenetic activity in 2014 and this year its sems like we mmseems that party is on going by the number of angel investment and venture capital funds chasing the country the first six months of 2015

 India’s startups have received more funding from venture capitalists (VCs) than the whole of last year. Until June 2015, VCs poured in $2.46 billion (Rs15,700 crore) worth of investments into Indian startups, compared to $2.34 billion (Rs14,950 crore) in all of 2014. In 2013, according to VCCEdge, a New Delhi-based financial research firm, only about $1.46 billion (Rs9,322 crore) was invested.
