ADPT OS v2 for Aqua Star Power

Hi everyone here presenting ADPT os v2 which fully customized rom based on CM12.1. This is developed by Android Development and Porting Team. Now this rom for Aqua Star Power ported by me. And my all credits goes to ADPT team.. Hope you like it.
-Added Pie Control (Non-apk)
-Added Font Chooser (Non-apk)
-Added Battery bar
-Added Navbar Enabler (with Height)
-Added Spilit Clock Style Chooser
-Added Weather text along icon on statusbar
-Added Notification Drawer & Lockscreen background chooser option along with transparency seek bar
-Added Screen Recorder (Non-apk)
-Added All CM12.1 Apps
-Back to LP Easter Egg
-Carrier Label (NON-ApK)
-Contextual Statusbar Header Background
-Keyboard Updated 
-Added HeadsUP settings
-Added AOKP System Anim
-Added Power Animations
-Fixed Toast Anim FC along with toast anim tester
-Added scrolling cache and list view tester
-ADPT Logo at starting apps dialog box
-Added OTA Updater (Get weekly small bug fixes)
-New awesome boot animation 
-Added changelogs on about phone
-Added features list on about phone
-Porter name via build.prop on about phone
-ADPT wallpapers
-And many more


  1. Copy Rom ,Patch and GApps zips to SDcard.
  2. Reboot to recovery.
  3. Do Factory reset and wipe Dalvic cache.
  4. Install Rom zip
  5. then Gapps zip
  6. Reboot 
  7. Done....!
AS like cm12.1




