the propotion of female doctors are highest across these 5 east european countries

"the propotion of female doctors are highest across these 5  east european countries"

When it comes to probability of  female doctors across the world Estonia top the list of OECD nations. Eastern European nations Estonia, Slovenia and Slovakia top the list of nations with the highest female doctors, followed by Finland,Poland Czech and Hungary.According to latest 2016 data from Quartz almost three in four doctors in the eastern European nation is female that is 75 doctors out of every 100 doctors,far exceeding the UK’s 46% and the US’s 34%. European countries as a whole dominate the majority of workforce for the proportion of women in healthcare.The OECD report suggests that men and women’s work schedules are converging, however. And aside from rethinking their approach to a standard doctor’s working routine, most OECD countries have a bigger problem ahead: The average age of doctors in almost all of the countries surveyed is increasing.On average, 33% of physicians in the countries monitored were over 55 years old in 2013, up from around 20% in 2000. In some countries, such as Italy and Israel, almost half of all doctors were over 55, the study found.


However while women in eastern nations have consistently produced higher doctors than compared to other professions like Lawyers, a recent research conducted by TheAtlantic magazine show that women are much more likely to drop out of these professions (and others). Among early-career professionals—people ages 25 to 44—who list their most recent jobs as doctor or lawyer, doctors who are woman are much more likely to be out of the labor force early.
